Oct 25, 2010 00:05
So yes, despite my best laid plans of getting the prologue to my BC out last week, or was it the week before - I can't remember now, real life is getting somewhat in the way. It is easily over 3/4ths written currently and should be out next week, or maybe end of this week. I had written more but for some reason have lost the last version of it - some OO bug apparently.
I am really looking forward to actually starting the BC as I'm interested to see how it pans out, storywise. I'm pretty much leaving the character development to the gameplay and my interpretation of it, so everything is a bit up in the air at the moment. I've always been intrigued by the EAxis characters and their backstories, and so wanted to include a wide cast from there. In fact, the only CAS sim is my Bachelor. I like that other people have preconceived ideas of EAxis characters too, it just gives them so many more layers.
In other news, not sure if anyone else is finding this but in my Uberhood, Bella is definitely trying to get herself noticed. She seems to have the most walkbys of any sim in the hood. And I'm pretty sure she has been on every Comm lot that I've visited too.