Highlander, Vorkosigan, and some other random things...

Jan 23, 2005 13:28

Okay, we have Highlander, and we have a few random recs, mostly from Yuletide.

No, Nay, Never by Ladonna King. Duncan/Methos. Short, silly, and sweet. (meant to be part of a winter holiday update, but it's a bit late for Christmas now. Ah well.)
More Room by Ladonna King. Author Summary: " Deliverance AU. Methos was not kidding about having more room. Dammit."
Dead Weight and
Live Wire by Killashandra. Duncan/Methos. These guys have an awkward, sometimes explosive friendship. Intimacy between them isn't likely to be easy, as this story shows. But in the end, it works-- their timing is finally right, as Methos says in the story. I think this is one of my favorite Duncan/Methos first-time pieces-- it's believable, true to the characters, and hot.
Sylvia Volk I'm just going to recommend all of her stories, since most of them are part of a series, the order of which is: Adamas, That Which Survives, The Reflecting Pool; Living Water, She, Lost Horizon; The Good Student, Tall Tale, Gogmagog, The Demon Lover, Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Clock Strikes Twelve. The author writes well-researched, Methos-centered stories. She spins a fascinating tale about Methos' life, as well as sharing an interesting take on Immortal origins. My favorite in the series is "Tall Tale," I think. These are gen/het, but there's at least as much Duncan/Methos subtext as in the series, perhaps more, for those who normally read only slash. One of the things that's so fun about Highlander is the history, thinking about what life was like in the past, and Sylvia Volk does a lot of that.
A Miracle Every Day by Aristide. Duncan/Methos. Another first-time story. Funny, sad, and passionate, much like the characters.

Miscellaneous Fandoms
The Councils of Despair by Parhelion. Vorkosigan Saga. Aral Vorkosigan/Simon Illyan. A sad, yet hopeful story that takes place after the Escobar debacle but before Cordelia Naismith arrives on Barrayar. Simon Illyan helps keep Aral together in the interim. This piece, written for the Yuletide challenge, seems very true to the books, and particularly to Aral and Simon. I wish there was more fic for this fandom...
Intrinsic Charm by Arsenic Jade. Harry Potter. Snape/Luna Lovegood. Yes, really. Another post-war story-- common for HP, but this one does a particularly good job of showing how the characters build new lives from the wreckage and move on. The pairing is unconventional, to say the least, but it works here.
a distant utopia by Shrift. The Authority. Apollo/Midnighter. Author summary: "Back when they still made temporary homes in abandoned doorways, back when they smelled of wet cardboard and their own filth, he had spent every night running the numbers over and over while Apollo slept, and every time, they ended up on the wrong side of the results."
Ten Weddings Planned by Kate Bolin.Buffy. Mostly Willow/Tara. Sigh.


fandom:harry potter, fandom:highlander, fandom:buffy, fandom:vorkosigan, fandom:the authority

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