1) I have no Turkish publisher, and there are no plans for an authorized Turkish-language edition of
The Drowning Girl: A Memoir. Though, on Friday, I did receive an email from someone purporting to be working with my nonexistent Turkish publisher, requesting an interview to help promote the edition, and, also, asking me for a more Turkish friendly title, as the English title wasn't working well. So, um. I forwarded all this to my agent, and it began bouncing around Writers House, and their foreign rights department is on it. Piracy. Whee. Pirates that happily ask for your cooperation. Double whee.
6. The Dreamwidth move will happen this coming week. Note that this will involve a NEW Dreamwidth account, one that does not yet exits, not the old one. I'll post links once it's up and running, once all my LJ entries and comments have been transferred.
2) I should have posted it yesterday, but just didn't think to do so. Oh, the Table of Contents for The Ape's Wife and Others, that's what:
Author's Introduction
"The Steam Dancer (1896)"
"The Maltese Unicorn"
“One Tree Hill”
“The Collier’s Venus (1898)”
“Tall Bodies”
“As Red As Red”
“Slouching Towards the House of Glass Coffins”
“Tidal Forces”
“The Sea Troll’s Daughter”
“Random Notes Before a Fatal Crash"
"The Ape's Wife"
Every other story, beginning with the first, will have an illustration by
Vince Locke. The cover is being painted by
Lee Moyer, with whom it is a joy to be working again.
3) I will never again agree to do an interview that requires two days to complete.
4) Yesterday, my contributors copy of the
Alabaster: Wolves hardback came! It's gorgeous. If you haven't ordered a copy, do so NOW. Go. Now. Order. Do it via Amazon, save $8.85! Anyway, I only just opened the package this morning. There's a photo behind the cut. Why am I wearing sunglasses? Because I only got about four and a half hours sleep this morning:
I only feel dead!
Copyright © 2013 Kathryn A. Pollnac
5. Okay, so. Yesterday. After the blog entry, I did the last bit of (rather complicated, tedious) editing to Black Helicopters before sending it off to Bill. There was email with both Bill and Lee, mostly regarding the cover for the new collection. I finally started the interview about three and kept at it until about six, when I'd bloody well had enough of talking about myself for one day. Last night, a trip to the market and pizza. We wanted to play
The Secret World, but the idiotic Mayan prophecy world event is still running, and it's the only MMO world event I've ever seen that actually makes it impossible for you to simply quest and play the game. We've hardly played for the last month because of this nonsense. But, tomorrow is - thank fuck - the last day. So, last night, we played more
Rift, instead. Selwynn and Miisya are in the Kingdom of Pelladane and in Seratos, and have both reached Level 52. And I truly wish more gamers would think of MMOs as immersive storytelling and not as games. After Pelladane, we read more of The Cloud Atlas, which might almost be as good as the film, and then I finished reading Roland A. Gangloff's Dinosaurs Under the Aurora and began Susannah Clapp's A Card from Angela Carter. Then I read from the fifth (and last) Bloom County volume, 1987-1989. And then...no sleep. Sometime around dawn, we got about an inch of snow.
Now I'm going to try to brush my teeth without putting out my one good eye.
Neither Awake Nor Asleep,
Aunt Beast