"I have always been a storm. We were frail."

Oct 29, 2012 19:32

Wanted to get something else out there, in case we lose power. And this time, I think we may actually do that.

A few hours ago, the highest over-land Hurricane Sandy gust thus far was, according to the National Weather Service, 86 mph at Westerly, RI, ~35 miles south of us. Much of southern Rhode Island is now under a mandatory evacuation. And the worst of this beast is still a day away from us. We're watching Twitter and FB and seeing things like this (from Elizabeth Bear), "Watching television instead of working: houses in Stonington, CT being taken apart by the sea." Stonington is a favorite haunt of me and Spooky. The trees along Long Island and Block Island sounds are only just now recovering from the nightmare of the 1938 hurricane.

I don't expect I'll get much sleep tonight. Somehow, I wrote 1,180 words today on "Whilst the Night Rejoices Profound and Still." We'll just have to see about tomorrow. Spooky says it's one of her favorite things I've written recently.

Before that, though, sometime around 1:30 p.m., we made a last grocery run, mostly for more water, and along the way, and on the way back, we got photos. Maybe not the smartest thing we've ever done, but still. We got soaked, and I honestly thought I would be blown away. Behind the cut, natch:

The Manchester Power Plant, from Point Street.

Gonna be some busy dudes.

Approaching the Hurricane Barrier along Tockwotton Street. The gates were being shut as we arrived.

View towards 195 overpass as the gates on South Water Street as they're closed against the surge.

The Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, almost completely closed. Low tide.

Looking across the river to the power plant.

Holding back the bay.

At Eastside Market. This is where the water usually lives.

On the way home, we stopped at India Point, to get a view of Narragansett Bay itself.

Your intrepid correspondent at India Point. The clothes were being - I shit you not - blown off my body. I'm not smiling. The wind kept getting inside my mouth.

Old pilings off India Point.

Downtown Providence, from the Point Street Bridge.

All photographs Copyright © 2012 by Caitlín R. Kiernan and Kathryn A. Pollnac

Aunt Beast

weather, hurricanes, providence, elizabeth bear, the sea, stonington

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