"I missed you, but I haven't met you."

May 25, 2012 13:14

On this, the morning before my -08 birthday, I find myself quoting one of Spooky's high-school history teachers: "If you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me." Can I exchange this day for the apocalypse, please? Big space rock, please?

Happy birthday to Billy (docbrite), whom I miss dearly, and for whom I wish a kinder year to come.

Depending who you ask, today is either Geek or Nerd Pride Day. I prefer geek, but whichever. In honor of this, I leave you with the Guild's "I'm The One That's Cool":

image Click to view

Reaching for the Slide Rule and Polyhedral Dice,
Aunt Beast, La Cabrita

geek pride day, bad days, the guild, birthdays, geekery, billy

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