"When everyone you need, they all seem to be asleep." II

Apr 04, 2012 14:15

I feel like I'm slowly rising up from long, blurry days of exhaustion and depression. The sort of both that all but turns you bedridden. Honestly, I had three fucking naps yesterday, then couldn't get to sleep until five ayem, and Spooky let me sleep until noon thirty. And I have the thing at the North Kingstown Free Library at six thirty. So, you can see the havoc this is wreaking upon my life/schedule/work. At the latest, Sirenia Digest #76 will be out on the tenth. And there's a ton of other work (which is funny, because I have less to do in April than I have had for any month over the last...six or so).

Last night, I managed a hot bath, washing my hair, and spent the rest of the evening in bed, watching Season Ten of Law and Order: Criminal Intent (oh, Vincent D'Onfrio, swoon). And listening to Spooky read to me from The Two Towers. But today, I have to get my shit back together. I have editors waiting. Oh, almost forgot. I did manage to get the final edits on "Goggles (c. 1910)" done (which were more extensive than I'd expected) and then send the story off to the anthology's editor (TBA). So, yay me. Work yesterday. Today I need to do some edits on "Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea (1957)" for a reprint anthology of Lovecraftian tales (also TBA), and get that off to the book's editor.

"Oh, and too, the time has come," the Walrus said, "to actually fucking read back over all of Blood Oranges at once for the First Time Ever." Er, yeah. And I need to do that this month.

It is looking as though I will also begin work on Blue Canary this summer, by the way. But, here in April, I still have some fairly major work left to do on Alabaster: Wolves #5. And a bunch of short stories...

Regardless, miles to go before I sleep, etcetera and etcetera, so I ought wind this up. Here's the information for tonight again, should anyone reading this be interested in hearing my Paleocene condylarth lecture:

"By the way, on Wednesday evening, at 6:30 p.m. EST, I'll be appearing at the North Kingston Free Library (100 Boone Street, North Kingstown, RI 02852). I may read from The Drowning Girl: A Memoir, though I may not. I am told this is a 'family' event, and even Imp had trouble making it through a chapter without dropping F bombs."

I'm an F-Bomb Dropping Motherfucker, Motherfucker,
Aunt Beast

vincent d'onofrio, nancy drew, not a kid anymore, the drowning girl, profanity, goggles, exhaustion, blood oranges, blue canary, fuck, libraries, imp, promotion

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