So, I did it. As of today, I have blogged six months straight, without missing a single day. Actually, I've not missed making an entry since February 13th, but I didn't make the "I'm not going to miss an entry for six months" declaration until March 1st, so I'm not counting February. Anyway, between March 1st and today (this post included), there's a total of 253 entries. Most days got one entry. Some got two or three. One got four entries. So, having accomplished this task, I ask myself, "Self, want to try for a whole year?" And remember, I have no iPad, no iPhone, Android, Blackberry, what-the-hell-ever mobile geegaw that allows me to post anywhere but home. So, this stands as ample evidence that I really don't have a life. Though, it's true, that three entries (I think it was three), were made from the business center of the Readercon hotel, back in July.
Yesterday, well...I worked. But I can't tell you on what I worked. And as the weeks roll by, until THE ANNOUNCEMENT is made, I'm going to have to say...yesterday I worked, and did X words on X, X pages on X, and so forth. It sucks. The other way - you seeing how marvelous the beginning of this undertaking is - would be so much cooler. But this is the way it is.
Anyway, yeah. Work on X. Then an appointment with my shrink. Then a trip to Pawtucket and the storage unit. Then dinner. I read "New
Upper Pennsylvanian armored dissorophid records (
Dissorophoidea) from the U.S. midcontinent and the stratigraphic distributions of dissorophids" and "
Tupilakosaur-like vertebrae in
Bothriceps australis, an Australian brachyopid
stereospondyl" (both in the July
JVP Then good RP in Insilico. Then Spooky read more of The Stand to me. And then...Monsieur Insomnia hit with a vengeance, and I sat up reading from
The Book of Cthulhu until about 5:15 ayem. I read, um...let's see. Oh, yes. Bruce Sterling's "The Unthinkable" (1991, a peculiar little piece of whimsy, almost a vignette). Then Tim Pratt's "Cinderlands" (2010), which has a wonderfully non-linear narrative. It fumbles once with an achingly silly Lovecraftian pun, but yeah, otherwise, nice. And then Ramsey Campbell's very effective "The Tugging" (1976); Ramsey never ceases to amaze me. Then I managed to fall asleep, listening to This Mortal Coil, as the sun began to rise.
Tomorrow, I finally get to work on
Sirenia Digest #69. It should be out by the fifth, on schedule. It's only going to feel late, on my end, because of this insane fucking amount of work lying over me like a heavy coating of bronze going green with verdigris.
And now, before I belatedly get to work on X, more photos from Friday, the day before Hurricane Irene began her sideswipe of Rhode Island (behind the cut).
Oh, and a big thank you to
fornikate (my fans have the best LJ names) for teaching me that my spirit animal is actually a
honey badger. It's absolutely true, and I should have figured it out years ago. We now have a jealous platypus.
Newly posted warning signs, which may or may not be down by now. I love how the sheeple and tourons have to be told not to do obviously stupid shit.
Low angle shot of the surf in the early throes of the fury to come. View to the south.
Lower angle shot of same.
The bleached carapaces of two very young
Libinia emarginata (common spider crab).
An older, but still immature, Libinia emarginata, belly up.
I still don't understand Spooky's fascination with the twisted bit of wood, but the waves behind it, those are cool. They were about chest high for me. When I swim at Moonstone, the waves are usually no more than knee high. View to the west and south.
A small and dessicated
thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata). Can't miss those thorns.
A fiery sunset before the storm, as we prepared to leave. View to the southwest.
And over Trustom pond. View to the west.
All photographs Copyright © 2011 by Caitlín R. Kiernan and Kathryn A. Pollnac
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