Today is "Let's Make Comments Day." Just in case you'd forgotten.
mis·ad·ven·ture [ˌmɪsədˈvɛntʃə]
1. an unlucky event; misfortune
Etymology: [Middle English misaventure from Old French mesaventure, from mesavenir, to result in misfortune : mes-, badly; see mis- + avenir, to turn out (from Latin advenre, to come to; see adventThis being a
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I have a family shindig to attend tonight; a sort of belated housewarming for my favourite young cousin (sort of a niece, really, but you can probably imagine how convoluted family structures of mainly Irish labourer stock can be), who has taken to co-habitating with a pretty man-child who doesn't accept competition lightly, and doesn't appreciate that I'm a stronger singer than he. Poor baby.
Apparently, they'll be attempting lasagna tonight, which could be good but might be disastrous. I'm only hoping I don't give everyone chest muck plague. Well, except maybe the boy toy. He could use a serious dose of painful illness to help develop some redeeming character traits, like humility and appreciation. Yeah, I know, it's a tall order. More likely he'd sob like a baby and have my cousin nurse him back to insolence.
Hope I've amused you. Enjoy the AC. I find life unbearable without it now, though once I was of much heartier stock. Get well soon.
And I hope you're feeling much better soon, as well!
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