The insomnia continues, for Spooky and I both. Hers, though, is the opposite of mine. I find sleep only with the greatest difficulty, but then I sleep. She usually finds sleep easily enough, but then wakes and can't get back to sleep. We're sleep-deprived bookends. On my end, the pills that are supposed to keep the drone sleeping and buzzing along
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A few years ago, we were in Australia and my Dutch mother-in-law came to stay. We took her to the south west for a few days, and we drove down at night time. We stopped for a break on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere - not another car in sight, no mooon, no cloud. She was stunned by the stars; the sky was thick with them. She'd never seen a night sky like that in her whole life.
I used to be scared of the dark, but now I miss it horribly.
ETA: A strange thought just came to mind - my doctor is always exhorting me to get enough sun (depression), but I wonder now whether it's possible to suffer from a deficiency of darkness.
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