I'm sure the smoking doesn't help (and I tend toward anti-tobacco because my mom as well as a couple of friends died due to tobacco related illnesses) but I doubt that's what her real problem is. While I don't understand why the cough continues she seemed to be a day or two behind me with the cold. However long ago that was. Time no longer blurs so much as it is simply blurred.
At this point in time it appears my cough is slowly going away. I don't know if it would work for anyone else but I've been using Mucinex DM (which is odd because Mucinex never worked for me before but DM has Guaifenesin and I at least sometimes respond well to that) as well as a pretty steady daily diet of DayQuil and NyQuil. Then I pretty much dropped the DayQuil when it appeared I wouldn't get drowsy at work if I just stuck with NyQuil (I used to get very drowsy from NyQuil but find I never do - and I think that's just sad).
I seem to have to resort to a Mucinex only occasionally and find if I do need one, it appears to be all I need of Mucinex for the rest of the day instead of taking the two every twelve hours. I still sometimes take the DayQuil but seem to have changed enough that cough drops do well enough. So I do whatever seems more convenient.
My problem is probably a little more complicated though in that I have a problem with post-nasal drip. And it just makes everything worse. I'm sure it would make lung cancer worse. It would make nuclear war worse. And I'm sure it would make Hell worse. I suspect Satan has post-nasal drip and that's why he's such a nasty piece of work.
Most of my health problems seem to be related to skin problems and breathing. My diabetes (which I have pretty well under control) takes a back seat to those two problems. Some of the skin problems, though, are due to the diabetes. If the human body is a system, it appears I may have picked up some malware.
With a little bit of effort I'd think perhaps a writer could get a story idea out of the whole thing. Of course there would be the matter of making the concept fit the conceptual continuity of the writer's style and genre-preferences.
At this point in time it appears my cough is slowly going away. I don't know if it would work for anyone else but I've been using Mucinex DM (which is odd because Mucinex never worked for me before but DM has Guaifenesin and I at least sometimes respond well to that) as well as a pretty steady daily diet of DayQuil and NyQuil. Then I pretty much dropped the DayQuil when it appeared I wouldn't get drowsy at work if I just stuck with NyQuil (I used to get very drowsy from NyQuil but find I never do - and I think that's just sad).
I seem to have to resort to a Mucinex only occasionally and find if I do need one, it appears to be all I need of Mucinex for the rest of the day instead of taking the two every twelve hours. I still sometimes take the DayQuil but seem to have changed enough that cough drops do well enough. So I do whatever seems more convenient.
My problem is probably a little more complicated though in that I have a problem with post-nasal drip. And it just makes everything worse. I'm sure it would make lung cancer worse. It would make nuclear war worse. And I'm sure it would make Hell worse. I suspect Satan has post-nasal drip and that's why he's such a nasty piece of work.
Most of my health problems seem to be related to skin problems and breathing. My diabetes (which I have pretty well under control) takes a back seat to those two problems. Some of the skin problems, though, are due to the diabetes. If the human body is a system, it appears I may have picked up some malware.
I suspect computers and time are ultimately incompatible. Computers have the tyranny of hard, hard logic. And time is just tyranny.
With a little bit of effort I'd think perhaps a writer could get a story idea out of the whole thing. Of course there would be the matter of making the concept fit the conceptual continuity of the writer's style and genre-preferences.
And, o'btw, is anyone else following (well, at this time, waiting for) the story about Anonymous vs the Westboro Baptist Church?
Well, that's sort of awesome.
Maybe not such a bright move. Even with a honeypot they may find themselves getting fucked. And hard. We can only hope.
I'm sure the smoking doesn't help
Not at all.
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