My Dark Lady et al.

Oct 19, 2010 12:14

My adoration of the Banshee Queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, is pretty much legendary. Yes, here I am being the worst sort of dork. The most annoying breed of nerd. But it's true. She's one of the truly cool things about the lore of the World of Warcraft, and finally there's an action figure. And it's on my wish list at, at the very top, and the first person who buys it for me, thereby assuaging my insatiable nerd-lust, will receive a token of my appreciation. I don't know what yet, but I'll think of something. The giver of this gift of this graven image of my Dark Lady will win my eternal gratitude. Yes, I am being shameless. No, I don't care. It's Sylvanas freakin' Windrunner.***

***Update (2:45 p.m.): A kind soul has done the deed, and while I can imagine decorating the house with dozens of idols of Lady Sylvanas, Spooky would likely kill me if I did. So, thank you. Wish fulfilled.


Yesterday felt like things were finally getting back on track, writing wise. I did 1,019 words on a new vignette (though it's actually sort of a quasi-vignette, as many of my vignettes are, interweaving several scenes). I'm calling it "...Of the Cloud That Took the Form..." I think I'm going to like it. It has eastern Connecticut and aliens in the Jovian atmosphere. With luck, I might even finish it today. Then I'll need to begin the next piece for Sirenia Digest #59.

My thanks for all the suggestions yesterday. More are always welcome.

I also had to answer a few questions from the CE who's copyediting "The Maltese Unicorn," which will be appearing in Ellen Datlow's Supernatural Noir anthology. And Ellen tells me that Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy will be out before very much longer. It includes my story "The Collier's Venus (1893)."

And here are ten photographs from our drive through southeastern Massachusetts on Sunday. They include the World's Cutest Jumping Spider EVER. We may try another leaf-watching drive (hopefully with better results) this coming weekend, some place farther north:

Spooky's very good with this sort of photo.

Two amazing clouds over the Blackstone Gorge. They made me think of finding the downy feathers of sea gulls at a beach.

This photograph is pretty much identical to one that Spooky took of me back on July 16th. Rolling Dam at Millville.

Phidippus audax, one of the prettiest jumping spiders we've ever seen. Just look at that sweet face.

The pond above Rolling Dam in the Blackstone Gorge at Millville.

Below the dam.

Rolling Dam.

A very striking maple at Whitinsville.

We had too few views like this one.

Back in Providence.

All photographs Copyright © 2010 by Caitlín R. Kiernan and Kathryn A. Pollnac.

outside, copyeditors, warcraft, massachusetts, geekery, my dark lady, spiders, autumn

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