1. Something strange this morning. Someone going by "Blue Tyson" has posted a one-star review of
The Red Tree to Amazon.com. Thing is, it's not actually a review of the book. Instead, the "review," titled "Blacklisted - Georestricted," reads: This book is georestricted and hence will not be bought. Unfortunately it is probably good, too. Now, I have no bloody idea what this means, but I see the same person has posted identical "reviews" to novels by a number of other authors. I've reported it as "inappropriate," and I'd like to ask my readers to please do likewise, as the novel and I certainly do not need a one-star review that's not even a "review" dragging down the book's rating. Thanks. It's an easy process. Just click "report this." Eventually, Amazon.com will take it down. Also, if anyone can explain to me what this bullshit is all about, I'd appreciate it.
2. I slept too late. I must have been truly exhausted, as I slept more than eight hours without Ambien. And now I'm running hopelessly behind today.
3. Not much to yesterday. Decompression. No work done, speaking of getting even farther behind. I managed a hot bath, a very large corned-beef sandwich, and a nap.
4. I did get a rather marvelous email from Micheal Cisco, a link to
a short film (very short) that David Lynch made to commemorate the centennial of the Lumière Brothers' first motion picture.
5. Kathryn and I have begun reading Peter Straub's new novel,
The Dark Matter, which we're both loving. We made it through the first forty-three pages yesterday evening. The book will be released on February 9th. So, now we're reading three novels simultaneously: Dark Matter, along with Greer Gilman's Cloud and Ashes and Francesca Lia Block's Pretty Dead. I hate reading more than a single novel at a time, but....
6. Last night, we watched Karyn Kusama's Jennifer's Body. I'd avoided it in theateres, because I'm really not a fan of Diablo Cody (and let's not get into that here, please). But it's actually quite good. The comparisons with Gingersnaps and Heathers that I've seen are apt. Definitely one of the few good "horror" films of the last year. The kitchen scene, just after Jennifer's reanimation, was probably my favorite bit. I think I will need to own this one on DVD. We also saw the latest episode of Fringe, which was good. I'm starting to think Playing God would have been a better title for the series. But, I'm an atheist, and I probably fail to appreciate how a title like that would have pissed off a significant percentage of the series' potential viewership. I also fail to care, so there you go.
7. An idea has occurred to me, a sort of more transgressive take on the loathsome "paranormal romance" subgenre, which I may pitch to my agent and editor as a three-book series, and which I would write under the pseudonym Kathleen Tierney (if you know your Gælic, this is essentially the same name as "Caitlín Kiernan"*). I'm not sure where I would find the time, but it might be fun. Geoffrey and Kathryn find the idea intriguing. There would be incestuous lesbian half sisters, demons, interdimensional travel, vampirism, an order of ceremonial magicians bent on some appropriately dark purpose, and all sort of Lovecraftian frippery. One trick would be to circumnavigate the default (and ironic) homophobia of "pr." We shall see.
8. I promised there would be more photos from the trip to New York, and there are, behind the cut. They're a bit grainy, because we decided to use only the available light and not disrupt everything with a flash. I may post two more sets, one of the Montauk Club's architecture, and another of Grand Central Station.
Near the Rhode Island/Connecticut State line.
Coming into New Haven on I-95.
My notebook. I'm not sure why Spooky took this one, though I did scribble a bit before the readings began.
Me and Ellen Datlow. It looks as though she was teaching me a magic trick.
Reading "Houses Under the Sea."
I am told it was a rather "animated" reading.
I think "baggy" is my new look.
After the Montauk Club, the Grand Army Plaza subway station in Brooklyn.
Spooky! I adore this photo.
Geoffrey, after an exhausting evening of Caitlín wrangling.
Me in Grand Central Station. This may be the jacket photo for
The Ammonite Violin & Others. No, it's not the same photo I posted yesterday. Compare and you'll see.
All photographs Copyright © 2010 by Caitlín R. Kiternan and Kathryn A. Pollnac
* In both instances, the surname is an anglicized derivation of the Irish surname Ó Tighearnaigh.