mythology's seductive and it turned a trick on me

Jul 22, 2007 12:35

So, Spooky - or rather her avatar, Artemisia Paine - was given the task of finding the internet radio station we would stream into the Palaeozoic Musuem on Second Life. And she found a gem: Mixing of Particulate Solids Radio, out of Bratislava, Slovakia. Have a listen. Experimental, ambient, electronica, etc. The other night, working in the Museum, I was able to listen to all of Henryk Górecki's Symphony 3, Symfonia pieśni żałosnych. Now I've started streaming the station through Arwen (the iMac) while I write, and I think Moya (the iPod) feels neglected.

The weather has turned mercifully cool here in Atlanta. Right now, it's cloudy and 73F outside. Of course, the humidity is 76%, and feel as though I have one big hair, but after all the sun and heat, it's a still a relief.

Yesterday, I wrote 893 words on The Dinosaurs of Mars. Turns out, what I wrote on Friday was not actually the end of Section 4. I found that yesterday. Though I still have no title for the section.

My thanks to everyone who has bid in the latest round of eBay auctions. Two of them, From Weird and Distant Shores and Daughter of Hounds, end on the 24th, so take note. Along with Sirenia Digest, eBay helps to fill in the leanish times between checks.

Last night, we actually managed to finish The Vile Village and then begin Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. At about 3:30 a.m., Spooky declared it was time to sleep, so we only made it two chapters in, but still. Actually, I want this book to last at least a week. This is the end, and I think endings should be savoured. Oh, and I finished Chapter Four of Chris Beard's book, which was mostly about the anthropoids and paleoecology of the Oligocene Fayum deposits of Egypt. Lots of reading yesterday. And I don't care if the (nameless) television feels neglected. We did squeeze in about an hour of freeform rping on Second Life. I haven't been doing much of that, and Nareth E. Nishi's story had sort of stalled out on me. But now the game is afoot once more. With dragons.

tdom, second life, weather, radio, harry potter, ebay

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