Yesterday was almost as unremarkable a day as I would have hoped for. Hot bath. Clean hair. Spooky made her cannelini bean soup for dinner. I decided, in the absence of Bailey's, that cosmopolitans would do, so we had to get cranberry juice. We picked up another pumpkin at Whole Foods. There was a nap on the sofa. I went almost the whole day without even checking my e-mail.
Today will be off again, but tomorrow will be on. I was tempted to work today, just to spite frelling stupid Columbus Day. But no. More rest, please. I got at least eight hours sleep last night, and I feel quite a bit better for it.
Last night, after the bean soup, I mostly played Drakengard 2, and I do not believe I've enjoyed a game this much in ages. Iko and Shadow of the Colossus were much better made games, but I'm not sure they were as fun. Showtime was doing its free preview thingy this weekend, and we caught an ep of
Dexter (based on Jeff Lindsay's novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter), which I found I loved completely and unashamedly. So, Spooky's ordering Showtime today. It's a good excuse to cancel HBO, now that Deadwood is gone. Anyway, then I played still more Drakengard 2, slaughtering the knights guarding the Heavenly Clocktower and confronting Eris and Gismor. Eris' death was a shock, but I can't say I was sorry to see her go. Anyway, tonight Nowe and Manah shall ascened the tower and battle whatever awaits them there.
See? Unremarkable. And no gorramn word count.
The photos that have been coming back to Earth from the Opportunity rover and
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are beautiful and amazing.
And speaking of photos, my thanks to Erin Potratz for sending me one of a platypus at the Sydney Aquarium. I showed it to "my" platypus, but sheheit just snorfled and grumbled something incoherent.
Oh, on a somewhat work related note, here's the cover of the Czech sf anthology in which "Riding the White Bull" will be reprinted (behind the cut). This will not be my first translation into Czech, as "Escape Artist" (in The Sandman: Book of Dreams) holds that honour:
And happy birthday to
Okay. Spooky says we will be going for a walk now. And look, she has my leash...