A freezing, cloudy morning that gave way to a extremely cold, sunny day. Our high was 39F, after a nightly low of 18F.
I was sick much of the day, but...I got a small bit done. And I had a very good conversation with Dr. Mike, whom I'd not spoken with in some weeks, and much was said about mosasaurs (and, oddly, fish). Hopefully, I'll be less ill and more productive, much more so, tomorrow.
The film and photographs I'm seeing coming out of Los Angele are nothing short of apocalyptic. Horrifying. I keep checking on people and places. Most of the people I once knew and were near to in Los Angeles have died or moved away, but there are still places I care deeply about. I have nightmares of a fire someday reaching Ellison Wonderland, for instance. This fire is yet another message from a rapidly changing climate that soon southern California will simply be too hazardous for big cities.
And I feel too bad to get started on the Horror Clown threatening military force to take Greenland from Denmark or the Canal from Panama.
I finished reading Game of Thrones (Book One of GRRM's A Song of Ice and Fire) only hours before we finished watching the entire Game of Thrones series for the first time. Which was odd. Anyway, I wanted to say that my love for the series only grew with a second watching. One thing, the last two seasons, and especially the final season and a half, it's really better fantasy than Tolkien, at least to a modern eye. To be fair, modern eyes were likely the last thing Tolkien cared about. And that's fine. But what I mean is that GoT is free of a certain sort of sentimentality that, for me, too often weakens The Lord of the Rings. In fact, I think GoT makes more sense if you look back to Greek tragedy. In the end, it is a great, sprawling, devastating tragedy, and how can I not be in love with that?
OKay, gotta go.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
3:00 p.m.