Mostly sunny today. And a high of 63F.
I am getting by on three to four hours sleep a night.
President Jimmy Carter is dead at a hundred years of age We will not see his like again. Good and selfless men are getting scarce. It's a shame, really, that he had to live to see Trump elected a second time. I lopped and nipped and tucked and added and deleted, and I've done the best by "The Throne of Hunger" that I can. Sirenia Digest 224 will go out to subscribers tomorrow, and then I go back to work on The Night Watchers. Someone's gonna ask me, why did it take you so long to write that novel? And I'm gonna say, "Fuck off."
I made it through a very rough first draft of the geology section for the third turtle paper, a beautiful specimen from the Mooreville Chalk (Lower Campanian) of Greene County, Alabama. I worked an hour on the Bashi sample from Whynot. I sent an editor "Rats Live on No Evil Star" to be reprinted (details TBA). That story was written in 1999.
Selwyn goes to the vet at 8 a.m. for eye surgery. His left eyelid has been deformed since he was born, and it's finally reached a point where he's in constant pain from it. So, we're pretty stressed about that. By the way, Selwyn and I both have trouble with our left eye (I'm blind in mine).
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Thank you.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
9:43 a.m.