Sunny today. Our high was 79F.
It was a strange and fucked up day. First, I slept almost nine hours, which might happen once every six months. Then I woke at 6 a.m., got up, was writing by 6:15 a.m., and I did 2,069 words in the next two hours. Which took care of letters I and J. If you follow the journal, you may know the number of days I write more than 1,100 words are vanishingly rare, and anything over 2,000 is truly exceptional. And because I have never written in drafts, we're talking essentially finished prose. So, anyway, after about 8 a.m. I was an exhausted, somewhat rattled mess. With a big chunk more of The Ultraviolet Alphabet written. By the way, I, J, and K, along with Q, X, and Z, and the worst of the lot. I dread them every time.
So...yeah. Not much to say about the rest if the day. It's a blur. Mostly, I read.
Please have a look at
the Dreaming Squid Sundry shop. Thanks.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
1:12 p.m.