Entry No. 7,366

Oct 12, 2024 22:43

The past four nights I've slept at least 7 hours, when I usually sleep only 4-5 hours a night. The first two nights I was ill, so it makes sense. The second two, I'm not at all sure. But I'm sleeping too much.

Sunny today. Our high was 81F.

I'm back in the novel place. Right now, because I've been away from this ms. for the better part of the year, juggling my health, Bright Dead Star, Sirenia Digest, and to a much lesser degree paleo' and a few pieces written for editors, coming back is strange. The novel has become unfamilar, and I have to get it all back in only a few days, time I am allowing myself to talk through this with Kathryn. I'm going to be writing it much the way Daughter of Hounds was completed back in 2005, by actually mapping a good bit out in something sorta like an outline ahead of time. And this is a process I loathe and consider antithetical to my writing style. But now, like then, it is necessary, and I will overcome the drawbacks it poses to spontenaity, as I did then. But I'll have a roadmap, which I sorely need for The Night Watchers, an apt analogy, I realize, as the novel is actually a horror/neonoir "road movie." And that's another difficulty here. I consider my style almost always cinematic, but making a movie that tries to capure the noir visual style and in which scenes are often confined to the interiors of automobiles is daunting.

I may also step back into Second Life for a short time. It's been a while.

Kathryn and I are watching Band of Brothers (2001) for a second time, and we should finish it tonight. Ii really does not look twenty-three years old, and it's every bit as good as I remember.

PLEASE visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. My books. ARCs of my books. Spooky's amazing tie dyes. And I will sign and personalize any book.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

7:57 p.m.

second life, bright dead star, doh, sleep, the night watchers, band of brothers, walls, 2001, wwii, writing, 2005, frustration, style, doors, plot

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