The slings and arrows of outrageous puriteens.

Sep 30, 2024 20:13

Mostly cloudy today, some sun. Not enough, But I look at, say, Asheville, NC, where they only just roads into and out of the city reopened today, and, kittens, I do not have anything to complain about. Our high todaywas 78F. I'm trying to pretend this lost summer is not over.

Today I did a lot of writing on the section of MP2 about the premaxilla. I also did about an hour and a half on the Bashi sediment, which has been sorely neglected. I spoke with Jun on the phone, who seemed amazed I was still alive. I emailed P.S. Publishing, because somehow they sent me a bunch of contributor's copies, but the B'ham P.O. screwed up and sent back to England. I am still try to find a new title for the chapbook/novella, which is proving no simple task. It was a productive, but weirdly hectic, day.

I read "Cranial palaeopathologies in a Late Cretaceous mosasaur from the Netherlands" and "The skull morphology of the Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis (Reptilia, Squamata, Varanidae) - a digital-dissection study." I'm having to give myself a very quick refresher couuse of soft tissue and neurological tissues of the squamate skull.

If you have not heard, Dark Regions Press has finallt declared bankruptcy and created an even bigger mess in the process. But if you ordered to Big Fancy edition of La Belle Fleur Sauvage, the novella I wrote for them way back in, I think 2017 (but maybe longer ago than that), I can only hope you will see your money refunded. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

A couple of posts I have made to FB the last few days:

"There will never be a time when 'ghosting' people, rather than taking a moment to explain yourself, isn't the coward's recourse. Convenient, yes. But cowardly. I have offended you, and you wish not to associate with me any longer. Fine. Have the guts to tell me. (Just a couple of people in the last few months, but still.)"

~ and ~

"Probably the most challenging and admirable aspect of social media is, I think, keeping one's own counsel as often as possible."

I was amazed at a) the peopel who passionately defended "ghosting" (only two or three, but still) and b) the people who ahd no idea what I meant by keeping ones own cancel.

THIS COULD HAPPEN HERE: Tonight we saw Alex Garland's Civil War (2024), which Kathryn and I have been avoiding because...Jesus. We have stood on the precipice of this all to recently, and we may yet be teetering. But it was a people film. A powerful film about people caught in the nightmare. A powerful film I recommend to all. It is a film about character, not politics. It's never clear what the respectve poltics of these groups are - the President hold up in D.C. as the Western Front (successionist Texas and Florida apprently in an unlikely alliance) advances in the White House. There's also the Florida Alliance, and I can guess what they're like. But it doesn't matter. This is about the human beings in the meat grinder, and also about what it means to be a photographic war correspondent. This could have been a hideous mess in the wrong hands. I recommend it, but yes, you have to be willing to watch some pretty fucked up shit in an America ravenged by having declared war upon itself, and whatever ending there is, you know it's only a momentary victory. The Republic has been broken and might never be repaired. I say thimb's up.

I think that's all for now. Please visit the shop. Thank you.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

4:35 p.m.

ghosting, good movies, lizards, mp2, civilization, money, north carolina, "dark adapted eyes", "la belle fleur sauvage", weather, squamates, cowards, alex garland, poltics, anxiety, fear, puriteens, gen z, mosasaurs, ps publishing, anatomy, titles, war

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