"It's a hollow play, but they'll clap, anyway."

Jul 04, 2024 22:17

I can't help but think that this could be America's last Independance Day. I think that's the sort of pronouncement that Bret Easton Ellis would refer to as "clutching pearls." And yet. And it was hot. Our heat advisory continued. Sunny and cloudy by turns, the high 97F, with a heat index of 106F. Near sunset, as all of Birmingham readied for the fireworks extravaganza on Red Mountain, we were hit with a monster thunderstorm and heavy rain. It lasted maybe an hour, and the fireworks began afterwards. Not that we saw them, having no wish to brave that crowd, and the trees and ridgeline obscure our view from home. But the concussions were plain enough and scared the beejeesus out of poor Mr. Blixa.

He hid under the sofa the whole time.

I have those sparklers Spooky got me, but I didn't light any of them. Maybe tomorrow night. Also, I miss with Smith's was in the now demolished Mountain Brook Village and the pages were paper, NOT plastic.

Spooky served a great July 4th dinner - barbeque chicken, baked beans, potato salad, and key lime gellato. The best meal I've had in many days.

So, there was that.

And the day began with promise, that I would get some work done, but then I got bad news concerning a friend, and that sorta shot everything to fuck. No, I won't name names.

Something I posted yesterday to Facebook:

I find myself ticking off a list of people I am grateful were lucky enough to die before we reached this point....
I have been following Project 2025 for a couple of years, warning people as best I could. Mostly, though, everyone acted like I was talking about flying saucers. Suddenly, P1925 has captured the attention of mianstream media, and people are acting like this is something new. The situation is very similiar to all the people who were surprised at Hitler's actions, even though he spelled it all out, plain as day, in Mein Kampf.

~ and day before yesterday on Twitter ~

America, it seems, has always been very bad about accepting the reality of existential threats. And if you can't accept they're real, you can't hope to respond to them. Which might be what makes Project2025 so incredbly dangerous. Too weird to be true....but true anyway.

I have another Twitter quote from a paleo' colleague, Nick Longrich: We have created a culture where people have become afraid to speak the truth or to call out even the most obvious lies and falsehoods. Indeed.

And today was the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the birth of my Grandpa Gordy M. Ramey (1911-1977).

I finished reading We Have Always Lived in the Castle, and I guess I've read it at least ten times now. Every time it breaks my heart. I'm ready to write the piece for the Oxford Press book.

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. They just raised our rent again.

Later Tater Beans
Aunt Beast

4:41 a.m.

bret easton ellis, mountain brook, grandpa ramey, 1911, the horror clown, we have always lived in the castle, project 2025, heat, fascism, 1977, red mountain, fireworks, shirley jackson, the end of democracy, independence day, blixa cat (was mars cat), smith's variety, then vs. now, hitler

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