"I paid the price, staying alone in my room..."

Jun 30, 2024 21:56

Hot today. Our high was HOT, 95F, with a heat index of 106F.

That monster in the Atlantic has taken aim at the Gulf.

I meant to make this entry earlier tonight, but I'm so goddamn sleepy, after the ~three hours last night, and I forgot. So here I am now. Better late than blah blah fuckity blah.

What the hell did I do today? Work, which I do not now feel like recounting in some blow-by-blow that no one wants to read anyway. I talked to Sonya this afternoon, Sonya in far away Boston. Then I had a long conversation with Mike P. about MP2. And then I talked with Sonya again. What noisy cats are we, you know. Oh, and Lynn Harrell (Alabama Geological Survey, Tuscaloosa) sent me his contribution to MP2, the geology section. It's sorta neat not having to write this whole damn thing myself. For example, Mike is doing the systematics, which means I do not have to wrestle with PAUP this time. Mostly, I'm sticking to my strengths as an anatomonist and biostratigrapher. Mostly the anatomy. I'm babbling. I'm half asleep.

In part, I blame a mountain of supermarket sushi I had for dinner (photo below). We never have sushi, because it's just too expensive these days. But Spooky was kind to me, and I had spicy tuna rolls and ate it...all.

Here's something I posted on Facebook yesterday. I don't want to lose it:

For a time, I was extremely dimissive of the idea that we were moving into a "post-truth" age. And so subjects - politics, civil rights, social sciences, history, etc. - that mattered to me, I reseached in depth, before I began speaking publicly on them. But in the responses to what I wrote I discovered that the facts, that which has been documented and can be demonstrated, are increasingly irrelevant to the masses (especially on social media). The insistence of Right wing authoritarianism and religious funadmentalism, the Left's rejection of objective truth and the demonizing of the revelations of the Enlightenment. So, beaten and bloody...I stopped trying. And I do not know what one does when truth ceases to matter. Do I just sit quietly by and watch the collapse, keeping my head down? Can we not still speak reasonably? But yeah, I believe it now. This is a post-truth world.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

5:39 p.m.

mp2, hurricanes, idiocy, mike polcyn, heat, insomnia, lynn harrell, tuscaloosa, food, geology, ags, exhaustion, sonya, boston, mosasaurs, post truth, sushi

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