Weather still cooler. Sunny, but our high only 89.1F.
Headache still with me.
But this morning I did a little under a thousand words on The Sun Always Shines on TV, despite hardly sleeping. And I worked on the Bashi Marl material. And I tried to find a cover artist for Bright Dead Star. So...fuck you, headache.
The afteroon's film was Rian Johnson's Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017). There a lot of good and bad in this one. It's too long by about 45 minutes, mostly because of that silly casino stuff in the middle. Still, it contains one of my three favorite lightsaber duels ever, the one where Snoke dies. But what are all my three favorites? 1) The one I just mentioned, the "red" battle; 2) the Kylo/Finn/Rey duel in The Force Awakens; 3) the Luke/Vader duel in The Empire Strikes Back. Oh, and the scene where Vice-Admiril Holdo warps into that star destroyer, that sequence kind of trasncends the genre, and it is very wise played silently. Beautiful.
I am so fucking tired of this headache.
I haven't posted
the link to the interview. There, now I have.
Last night, Spooky and I began watching Deadwood again for the first time since 2019, in recognition of the series' 20th anniversary (and because we just wanna see it again).
Visit the shop and buy something. Precious little money is coming in. Thanks.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
2:28 p.m.