Today I decalred a day genuine day off, a thing I never truly allow myself, but which I figured, after the events of the past seven days, I deserved.
This time last Wedsnesday, I was just getting home after eight hours in the chair.
It was warm here today, spring warm. Our high was 71F, and we are promised we have seen the last of wintry weather. There are the first sprays of green in the trees.
My mouth still doesn't feel great, and eating is going to be a chore for another week or so, but I have much more strength. Indeed, after deciding it was a day off, I went Outside with Spooky while she ran her errands. We went all the way east to the Irondale Publix, where I'd not been in a couple of years. Utter sensory overlaod. Then we went the other way, southwest, to Selwyn's vet in Hoover to pick up some meds (more of Selwyn tomorrow). The sun felt wonderful, and it is the most time I've had outside like that (I'm not counting the dentist or McWane) since, well...wheneever I was last in Tuscaloosa. I am done with this hiding in my office.
Tomorrow morning, I will be putting together Sirenia Digest 214, which will feature a story very few of my readers have had a chance to see, "Night Fishing" (a new corrected text at that).
Last night we finished Daisy Jones and the Six. It actually got better in the last three episodes. It might have attained the level of good television, if not great tv. Tonight, we get the latest episode of The New Look.
This afternoon's film was J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009).
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. In particular, I direct you to
Vile Affections. A FREE colour monster doodle with every copy. And as I promised yesterday, here's the photo of me meticulously colouring the last batch of monster doodles.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
12:16 p.m. (Tuesday)