"All that I say to you is like fuel to fire."

Feb 05, 2024 16:28

A cloudy, foggy morning that became a sunny, somewhat chilly day. Our high was 62F.

This is not the day is was meant to be, but it might have gone much worse. I was supposed to go to McWane today. I need to do that. But the day was devoured by solving this plumping nightmare. Still, at least I had a long conversation with Mike Polcyn. Looking at a mosasaur population we are studying, I am seeing two morphs, and we discussed the methods by which we might try and figure out whether we are seeing ontogeny, two different species, normal variation within a single species, or variation within one species determined by sexual dimorphism (and that is almost impossible to determine with fossils). Trying to find the answer will involve quantitative analyses I haven't worked with in a long time. Such as morphometrics, multivariate analysis, etc. This is the study on which I am lead investigator, and it's intimidating.

Okay, so...first off, I have been asked to write an essay for The Oxford Handbook of Shirley Jackson, from Oxford University Press; of course I said yes.

When do I actually qualify as a polymath?

The SubPress stuff, on the other hand, I'm not going to announce it yet, because Bill has not told me that I can. Hopefully soon. I'm happy with it, regardless. He still has to talk with my agent.

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop, and do not forget the FREE color monster doodles with copies of Vile Affections.

I'm exhausted. I want to go sleep until next week. I won't do that. I have a stack of papers on varanid lizard ("monitor") ontogeny to read ASAP.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

3:39 p.m.

ontogeny, oxford, lizards, mathematics, paleontology, mike polcyn, vile affections, subpress, trees, mosasurs, the sky, mcwane, biology, shirley jackson, secrets, disappointment, monster doodles

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