"I'm caught in a crossfire that I don't understand."

Aug 06, 2023 16:34

The temperature today soared to 96F, with a heat index of 108F. Then a thunderstorm hit. We breifly lost power, and the temperature dropped about 20F in less than two hours. The heat advisory will be back tomorrow.

Despite not sleeping much more than four hours, I got a lot of work done today. I was up at 4:30 a.m. I wrote another 1,0143 words on "A Buyer's Guide to Commonplace Bizarreness." I did a whole bunch of plaeo' reading, and then I worked on the pterosaur paper, which is coming along rapidly. It even has a tite: "Alabama's Lost Pterosaur Hatchling, with a Review of Pterosaur (Pterosauria, Pteranodontidae) Discoveries from the Mooreville Chalk Formation (Selma Group; late Santonian-middle Campanian) of West and Central Alabama." And Kathryn and I read a bunch more of The Night Watchers.

With luck, I'll finish the story on Tuesday, get the digest out on Wednesday, and be back at work on The Night Watchers on Thursday.

Please visit the shop. Thanks.

Oh, today's photo, yesterday I took out one of the boxes with my old pen-and-paper journals, 1990 until about 2005. I finally stopped keeping them because of LiveJournal, which is a shame, as they do very different things. Anyway, they will go to Brown as part of my archives, but first I am removing certain passages and even whole pages. Even when I have done that, the journals will be embargoed for twenty-five years after my death. So, it will be a very long time before anyone has access to these. They will never be digitized. They cannot be hacked.

Aunt Beast

8:26 a.m.

sirenia late, the night watchers, 1983, heat, 2005, journalizing, pterosaurs, 1997, then vs. now, privacy

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