Jul 22, 2023 16:51

The heatwave ended in thunderstorms that began last yesterday afternoon, went on all night, and continued until late morning. Then the sun came out for a bit, and the day was mild. Our high was 86F, with a heat index of 91F.

I have not slept much two nights running.

Three documentaries this afternoon: one on Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, another on the Great Pyramid, and, finally, the third on Operation Ajax (1953).

Please visit the Dreaming Squid Shop. Thanks.

And you know what happens when I don't post a cool museum photo? You get giant, amusingly named bags of kitty litter...

Aunt Beast

3:12 p.m.

documentaries, cooler weather, insomnia, cats, thunderstorms, 1953, lost days

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