"Was it really murder?
Were you just pretending?
Lately, I have heard you are the living end." ~ Elvis Costello
Damn hot here in Birmingham today. Mostly sunny, some clouds that have offered little relief. Our high (so far) was 95F*, with a heat index of 106F.
I sent a whole mountain of mosasaur photos to Mike Polcyn.
I read more of Harlan's Ellison Wonderland today:
* "The Silver Corridor"
* "All the Sounds of Fear"
* "Gnomebody"
* "Mealtime"
* "The Very Last Day of a Good Woman"
* "Battlefield"
I am desperately trying to find a story that I can write so I can get another issue of Sirenia Digest out, so that I can get back to work on The Night Watchers. I'm getting kind of panicky, after "Ossuārius" hit a wall (I didn't mention that, it it did).
Today's comfort movie was Justin Lin's Star Trek Beyond (2016), which truly is more fun than it has any right to be.
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Thanks.
This bear is the last of the Tuscalooa photos I'm gonna use. At least for a while. There are still some good ones.
Aunt Beast
3:09 p.m. (last Thursday)
* As soon as I posted this, I saw it had risen to 96F, with a 107F heat index.