A sunny day. Our high was 75F.
This morning I wrote 1,502 words. A couple more days, and I'll tell you what this is. Oh, and I signed a HUGE stack of books today for our
Dreaming Squid Sundries customers.
I finished reading David Wallace-Wells' The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, and honestly, no shit, this is a book that I wish every adult and teenager alive today could read. It is by far the best book I ever have read on climate change. It is one thing to fear for the fate of Western Civilization, or our institutions of high education, or American democracy, and it is another thing entirely to have things put so solidly in persepctive that I am forced to acknowledge that none of those things may matter in only a few more decades. Another degree or two Celsius of global warming, and it's not going to matter the pronouns we use or whether kids are reading Shakespeare. See, it's frustratingly difficult me to even write about this sort of thing and not sound trite. I am well aware of that. So please, read Wallace-Wells' book.
I still need that break, much more than ever, so I'm reading Quentin Tarantino's Cinema Speculation. I'm two chapters in, and so far it's delightful.
This afternoon's film was J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009).
Please visit
the Dreaming Squid Sundries. Thanks.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
4:27 a.m.