Sunny today. Our high was 78˚F.
Pretty much the only decent thing I can say for today, so far, is that I managed to get more than seven hours sleep last night. Otherwise, this was a thoroughly crappy, useless, wasted day. I am so overwhelmed. I cannot think through the anger.
But, truthfully, I'd rather be angry than afraid.
The afternoon's film was George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road (2015).
I read more Ligotti: "The Troubles of Dr. Thoss," "Masquerade of a Dead Sword," "Dr. Voke and Mr. Leech," "Dr. Locrain's Asylum," "The Sect of the Idiot," and "The Greater Festival of Masks."
Please have a look at
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Thanks.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
7:46 a.m.