Sunny and warmer today. Our high was 64˚F.
I'm having a little more trouble than usual getting back to work on other things after finishing "Crotalus (Murder Ballad No. 13)." Generally, there's almost always a short period after I finish a story before I'm able to do much of anything else. This one just seems to be stretching out a bit, and there's so much I need to be doing. I did look at the copy editor's comments on Bradbury Weather today, and I did look over some of the mosasaur literature that Mike P. asked me to survey, but...I didn't really work. It's frustrating. We did, however, Kathryn and I, have some serious conversation about the move back to Providence, including apartment prospects.
This afternoon, I watch a documentary of the new Elizabeth subway line in London (Nova), one of archeology in the Bolivian and Brazilian Amazon (also Nova), and the first part of a series on the Canidae as represented by wild species worldwide (Nature). Last night, we watched the first three episodes of a four-part series on the 1958 Starkweather murder spree in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Today I read, from a 1992 issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, "The Campanian Terlingua local fauna, with a summary of other vertebrates from the Aguja Formation, Trans-Pecos Texas."
Please have a look at
the Dreaming Squid Sundries shop. Books by me! Tie dye by Spooky!
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
4:11 p.m.