A long and surprisingly productive day, considering I seem to be mired in a round of insomnia.
Sunny, and our high was 60˚F.
This morning I did 1,093 words on "Discord in Anthracite." I'll finish the story tomorrow. I went back to work prepping Winifred. I did other stuff. I raed more of both Cambrian Ocean World and The Coddling of the American Mind.
We're working our way through Mad Men again. We're almost to Season Three.
You know, after yesterday's marathon LJ entry, I think I'm giving myself a break with this one. Yes, all those thoughts are still in my head, but I can come back to them later. It's hard to believe there was a time I did entries that long on a daily basis.
Please have a look at
the Big Cartel shop. Thanks.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
11:38 a.m. (yesterday)