"The relentless unceasing of a million calls." (128)

Dec 06, 2022 17:08

Rainy all day. Again. Well, there were a few precious minutes of sunlight. The high was 73˚F.

This may be the year Alabama has no winter.

A friend just told me that a new survey has shown that Alabama has the most conservative legislature in the country, while Rhode Island has the third least conservative. None of that comes as a surprise. But it explains so much. I have not yet checked to find the source of this information.

You do not even want to know what I did today. But at at one point I was writing about laser scanning plaster casts of fossil bones. How's that? I began work at 6 a.m. I did about six hours on the paper. If I could keep working tonight, I think I could be 100% done with our "final" draft before midnight. We shall see. It might be easier to start over at 6 a.m., I'm so damn tired.

All this fiction piling up: the new Tinfoil Dossier story I'd just begun; Sirenia Digest 201-203; writing a novel, The Night Watchers for SubPress.

How strange is it that Kirstie Alley has died?

Yesterday, my Lovecraft reading was "The Shunned House." Today it was a favorite, "The Strange High House in the Mist." Also, that's a short one I had very little reading time today.

Today, I paused to be stunned by idiots who think Marx and communism would mean they'd have to work less (or not at all). And I thought, my grandparents were lifelong coal miners, brick masons, steel workers. One of my grandmother's picked cotton and raised three daughters. One grandmother was a nurse. And now we have people whining about having to work at all, or who so fail to appreciate the value of a job they whine about having to get dressed and leave their home and go to work. How did things go so wrong so fast? Even I learned auto mechanics, because no one actually believed I'd go to college. Kiddos, the lucky work.

Please check out our amazing Big Cartel shop! Thank you!

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:05 p.m. (Winnie says, "Relax.")

grandpa ramey, grandma ramey, mp2, technology, paleontology, stress, politics, alabama, hpl, warm december, rhode island, work, the chalk, deaths, editing, communism, laziness, sirenia late, the night watchers, the tinfoil dossier, science, mosasaurs, idiots, television, kids these days, lovecraft, then vs. now

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