A World Without Nuance (85)

Oct 24, 2022 16:36

An exceptionally miserable day. But, again, it was at least warm. We have storms coming tomorrow. Out high today was 77˚F.

I spent the morning on the next section of the Tinfoil Dossier story, the section that's been giving me fits so far. I think I got it over the bump today, I just didn't get many actually words down on paper.

The afternoon's film was Matt Reeves' superb The Batman (2022). Last night's "scary" movie was Tim Burton's 2012 take on Dark Shadows. I'd forgotten how much fun it is. it also might have been the last Burton film I truly enjoyed. And began rereading Peter's Shadowland (1980) today; it has been many, many years, and I wanted to read something by him.

You know that Big Cartel shop? It's still there.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:52 p.m.

books, tim burton, bad days, the batman, the tinfoil dossier, 1980, writing, 2012, peter, dark shadows, matt reeves

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