"Time relentless takes no sides." (63)

Oct 02, 2022 16:34

Slightly warmer today, though when I went out early this afternoon to dump some water from prep, it felt pretty chilly. Our high was 81˚F.

I had hoped my mood today would be improved. I was up at 5:30 a.m., really much too early, and by 6 a.m. I was writing. I did another 1,215 words on "Onieronaut Collage." Maybe the best section yet. Then I worked on Winifred, but the fact of it is that this specimen still needs many hundreds, and maybe thousands of hours, of prep time. Most of the skull is still in a huge block of cement-hard marl at McWane. And I have to leave Birmingham soon, and it makes the work I'm doing on a few bones seem utterly futile. Maybe someday someone will care for this specimen the way I do. Maybe someone else will love it. I can only hope we are left with a world where paleontology is valued.

The role of creationism in Christofacism makes me doubt that.

Tell me again, Why am I depressed?

I talked to Sonya briefly last night, and she tries to help. And I am grateful for that.

Let's seem. A couple of thing I posted to Facebook today, even though I know I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut:

I think it's time the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants be replaced with one that states, simply, "Abandon all hope, yee who enter here. ("Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate")


From Lambda Legal, on it may only make things worse when transpeople call the cops:

"Call the cops? Police often participate in the intimidation themselves rather than providing protection. They often use abusive language, humiliate TGNC people and are widely responsible for injuries during custody and on routine patrols. In 2012, Lambda Legal’s national survey on police misconduct, Protected and Served?, found that 32% of TGNC respondents reported that police officers’ attitudes toward them had been hostile. Additionally, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs found in 2013 that transgender people were 3.7 times more likely to experience police violence than the general population."

(That said, for the record, I am in no way, in general, anti-police and did not add my voice to all that "defund the police" noise. Things have to be fixed, not dismantled.)


You know, I think the very last thing we need is a "woke" take on The Silmarillion. It doesn't help that the show really isn't living up to the hype. I'm pretty sure Tolkien would not approve and, to me, that is of utmost importance.

And don't get me started on the two far, far right-wing loons who're convinced the "deep state" has "weather manipulating technology" that created Hurricane Ian and threw it at De Santis as an act of revenge. No, really. I'm not making this up.

And yeah, I'll be here all week. Probably. After that, fuck only knows.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

3:38 p.m. (the most recent batch of "comfort movies")

idiot humans, good movies, hurricanes, police, paleontology, doom, america, identity politics, futility. fascism, conspiracy nuts, the chalk, transgender, transphobia, mcwane, sonya, depression, "onieronaut collage", mosasaurs, tolkien, insanity

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