Rain brought cooler weather today. Our high was 85˚F, with a heat index of 92˚F, before the rain.
This morning, working through the ms. for Bradbury Weather, I reached The Dry Salvages, that huge 30,855 word novella, and I just could not bring myself to read it again. Sonya and I proofed and edited it for Two Worlds and In Between back in 2011 (I think we spent two days on it), and I figure we fixed all that can be fixed, all that needs fixing, so I'm just going to move along to the next story.
The afternoon's movie of Christopher Nolan's Inception (2010).
I didn't sleep well last night. Again.
Please have a look at
the Big Cartel shop. Thank you.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
2:25 p.m.