Helianthus annuus

Jul 02, 2022 16:54

Mostly sunny today. Our high was 91˚F, with the heat index at 96˚F. Warmer.

A footnote to what I said yesterday about mine and Kathryn's anniversary tomorrow: For my 20th anniversary gift, Kathryn got me the boots in the photo below, Van Gogh Doc Martens, created with the cooperation of the U.S. National Gallery. I'll likely only wear these boots for very special occasions. I will be entirely too afraid of ruining them. I got her a video game. Hey, it's what she wanted.

I slept much better, but woke ill. Still, by late afternoon I was able to work on MP 1 (was MP 1.2) for a couple pf hours. One Monday, I need to go back to fiction. I do wish I had the financial where with all to devote all my time to paleo'.

Let's make this short. Anything else, well, it can wait until tomorrow.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

3:26 p.m.

van gogh, 2002, spooky and i, doc martens, boots, new mp 1

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