Sunny, mostly, today. Our high was 87˚F, with a heat index of 88˚F.
I slept close to ten hours, which is what happens when I hardly sleep, when the insomnia goes on long enough. Anyway, the Big Sleep left me groggy and disoriented and ill, and it made the anger I've been struggling with for days finally boil over into something I could not manage.
It's anger about nothing in particular. It's anger about twenty or thirty or forty very specific things.
I am so sick of this putrid, bullshit century. I sit, and I shut my eyes, and I pretend it's 1940 or 1900 or...
Some year when there was still a world worth living for.
Last night, two more episodes of The Essex Serpent, and sadly it veers off into a lot of bodice-busting silliness (and rampant historical inaccuracies that no doubt play well to Gen Z). I don't even know if it's worth finishing. Except I cannot stand leaving anything unfinished.
No, I got no work done today.
Please have a look at
the Big Cartel shop. There are bills that have to be paid.
Aunt Beast
1:44 p.m.