Today turned rainy and gross. Our high was 91˚F, with the heat index at 94˚F.
No real work today, though it was not for lack of trying. I was up at 6:30 a.m., and there is nothing more annoying than managing to be, simultaneously industrious and unproductive.
Last night we finished watching Danny Boyle's Pistol, his Sex Pistol's biopic. Now, I have never cared for the Sex Pistols, in the least, or the bizarre pro-anarchy movement that birthed them, but it's still a fascinating story. However, Boyle's series is amazingly flat until the last two episodes, hen it finally gets its hands dirty. Before that, honestly, it feels sorta like Sex Pistols: The Funko Pop Years. OH, and I will say that I have hated Malcolm McLaren all my life and this series did nothing whatsoever to redeem him.
Some things I said today on Twitter and Facebook:
New (to me) Gen Z slang/jargon (and maybe latter-day Millennials): "I feel seen." This one has the potential to be as annoying as "all the feels." Though it can't complete with abandoning all other superlatives for "super."
~ and ~
Honestly, truly, "Language evolves," an obvious tautology, is the very worst, most facile defense of both slang and poor language skills. It's like asking "Animal life evolves, right, so why worry about the deleterious effects of chemical and radioactive mutigens in the environment?"
Please have a look at
the Big Cartel shop. There's stuff!
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast
11:16 p.m.