Sirenia More

May 05, 2022 17:05

Mostly sunny today. Our high was forecast at 90˚F, but that got dropped to 89˚F, and we've only reached 88˚F. That's fine by Spooky.

Up at 5:30 a.m., and after coffee I worked on Sirenia Digest 196 until, sometime around 10 a.m., it was ready to send away to Gordon to be PDF'd. I was actually going to wait and mail this one to subscribers next Tuesday, since an issue just went out on Tuesday. But Spooky and I both forgot, and it went out this afternoon. So, surprise. Look for Sirenia Digest 197 sometime in June.

Tomorrow it's back to work on "Living a Boy's Adventure Tale," which I'm guessing will come in at about 18k words. At ~1k words a day, most days, I might actually manage to finish the novella by May 31st. I will also be working to hard to be getting through a substantial portion of MP1 ("mosasaur paper 1") during this same period of time. And no, Bradbury Weather has not fallen by the wayside. We just hit a small snag that is being ironed out.

Oh, and hey, my 58th birthday (ugh) is May 26th, and if you want to help toss me a brighter spot in the midst of all this work and all the turmoil of this shattered 21st Century, I do, as always, have my wishlist.

I have resolved to keep all of my political thoughts confined strictly to this journal, which hardly anyone reads, so this is mostly me venting to myself. I do not have any desire to add to the cacophony of outrage drowning Facebook and Twitter and what have you.

I think that's all for now. I'd go on about how the new turtle mounts are ruining GW2, but really, other than me, who gives a shit? Right.

Don't forget the Big cartel shop!

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast (my outrage is my own)

10:24 a.m.

1964, money, birthdays, "living a boy's adventure tale", too much work, politics, gw2, the merewife, sirenia digest, bradbury weather, decency, laundry, idiots, mosasaurs, beowulf, privacy

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