"If forever gets lonely, take my hand."

Mar 12, 2022 18:17

I woke at 5:30 a.m. to a dusting of snow, the air temperature about 29˚F. The sun came out just after damn and melted it all away, though it brought little heat. Our high was only 39˚F. We currently have a freeze warning and a wind advisory, and it's expected to drop as low as 22˚F tonight, but be back up to at least 55˚F tomorrow. Ugh. But at least they took snow out of the forecast for tonight.

Cold or no cold, I went outside today. The eleventh in a row.

This morning, I wrote another 1,065 words on "Night Fishing." I'm guessing it's gonna come to about 7,000 words, so I'm now more than halfway to THE END. I also made a valiant effort to finished the geology section of the macrobaenid paper...and almost made it. Another couple of hours tomorrow and it should be done. I couldn't work on Winifred, because it was too cold to open the window and set up the gerry-rigged exhaust system I've built to funnel chalk dust out of the apartment. And that was work today.

A couple or three thoughts...

It is both unfair and artistically ludicrous to ask a writer or filmmaker to include "underrepresented" minorities in a story where they would not naturally appear. I suspect it's also insulting to the minority in question, reducing them to an obligatory token, representation for representation's sake. Also, this sort of well-meaning wrongheadedness constitutes yet another form of censorship.

Oh, and there were the complaints with The Red Tree and The Drowning Girl that pretty much everyone was white, even as others were (some rather violently) instructing me that white folks should never, ever write brown and black or Asian folks, or straight folks write LGBT folks, or cisgendered folks write transgendered folks, ad infinitum, because...you know...cultural appropriation. Obviously, sorry, you can't have it both ways. I mean, I suppose I could just quit writing anything at all ever about anyone, and I guess that would solve the "problem." And we are back at censorship.

Finally, if a substantial percentage of your self worth derives from involvement and instigation of the sort of conflicted listed above, you may want to rethink your priorities.

Here's the customary eBay link. Spooky says we may take a short break, so this might be the last round for a bit.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast (LGBTQ Heretic)

12:36 p.m.

queer, cooler weather, turtles, rust, art, outside, the drowning girl, geology, snow, "night fishing", mosasaurs, glbt, equality, cold spring, then vs. now, the red tree, censorship

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