I slept about four hours, woke at 4 a.m., was still awake at 5 a.m., when I finally got out of bed. I loathe being awake, the only person awake, in the middle of the fucking night. I sat here and...did nothing. I took a photo just as the sky was getting bright over the crest of Shades Mountain. I took a photograph, with Venus clearly visible. Mars was there, too, but it's too faint to see on the photo.
I said on Facebook at 5 a.m., "Slept four hours. Awake in the silence, waiting alone for sunrise. This is the worst part of the day." And it was.
A warm day. Sunny. My window has been open most of the day, beginning in late morning. Our high was 68˚F.
I talked with my agent at 10:30 a.m., and I was only just barely coherent. I got good news from the Yale Peabody Museum. I exchanged email with Jun at McWane. My contributor's copy of the
Centipede Press edition of The Haunting of Hill House arrived (#21/250; I wrote the introduction). Oh, and a copy of Weird Tales ("The Return of the Magazine That Never Dies"). I owe them a story. I feel like I owe everyone in the whole damn world at least one story.
And the day passed.
One awful moment at a time, dot to dot. Like Venus in the morning sky.
The afternoon's movie was Justin Lin's Star Trek Beyond (2016).
I worked on Winifred a little.
And here's
the eBay link. Thanks.
Aunt Beast
6:02 a.m. (no, those orange lights aren't UFOs, but I'll let the mystery stand)