
Feb 04, 2022 23:12

Cold today, and cloudy, and rainy. Not as bad as yesterday's mysterious 15 minute tornado warning, though. Sirens like the end of the world, weathermen freaking out, then...cancellation. Something changed its mind. Anyway, today's high was, I think, 37˚F.

Almost a good day, until last night, and, well...whatever.

I did work.

Oh, and I missed an entry there on the 3rd, didn't I?

There are eBay auctions, if you'd like to have a look. Right here. Thanks. Also, my very grateful thanks to the winner of Houses Under the Sea. Your generosity will be rewarded with a couple of little surprises, which I will send along with the book.

Last night, Kathryn and I watched del Toro's remake of Nightmare Alley (2021). Speaking as an aficionado of film noir, I found it uneven. At times inspired, visually stunning, and packing just the right sorts of menace, dread, and despair. But at other times I found it ham-fisted, campy, and trite, to the point that I felt Nightmare Alley repeatedly descended into pastiche. All in all, the casting was superb. Of particular note, Wilem Dafoe, Rooney Mara, and David Strathairn. But I was not impressed by Bradley Cooper (no Tyrone Power, he), and Cate Blanchett's performance was was as if she were under the impression she was acting in a comedy. My favorite moment was Rooney Mara, standing in the snow, passing herself off as a ghost. Anyway, no, not del Toro's best by a long shot, but not his worst, either. But I expected more.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

4:53 p.m.

del toro, medicore movies, depression, noir, mediocrity, houses under the sea

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