Sun and clouds both today, and warm. Our high was 68˚F.
Despite the fact that I hardly slept last night, I was up at 7:35 a.m., and I managed to finish the new story, WHICH STILL HAS NO TITLE. And then I proofread it, before we headed out to my mother's in Leeds. Tomorrow, I'll proofread "Metamorphosis D," and on Sunday I'll put together two more issues of Sirenia Digest, which I hope will go out Sunday night. Merry Xmas.
Yesterday the postman brought my copies of
Vile Affections and
Cambrian Tales, and they're both handsome books. It was nice having something to open this morning.
It was a good trip to Mom's. Just and and my sister and her son, my Mom and Spooky. Good food. Stories from back in the day when there were so many more of us. Oh, and I washed a load of dirty underwear, because it just seemed right.
My first time outside in three weeks, and it was a constant war with agoraphobia. And Jesus, they've fucked up Leeds something awful.
Anyway, another rough year, and thank you all, and Happy Holidays...or whatever floats your boat. I am not particular.
Better luck next time.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beans
2:41 p.m.
Postscript: My mom's Xmas tree, which was way better than ours. Note the Santa in the upper left-hand corner.