"Or to take arms against a sea of troubles..."

Dec 09, 2021 17:25

Sunny this morning, but the day grew grey and drear as it wore on towards it conclusion. Our high was 63˚F, so an improvement over yesterday. It is now 60˚F.

A bunch of painters showed up earlier, fucking around outside. No idea what they were doing. No one tells us anything.

And I will finish Mr. Shakespeare's quote, which has been much on my mind today:

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die-to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. ~ Hamlet


Another good day, though I was up sick part of the night and did not get to work until about 9 a.m. I did another big chunk of "Metamorphosis D (Imago)," and I (ta-da!!!) finished the signature sheets for From Weird and Distant Shores. Also, I spoke with Jonathan Strahan, who will be editing The Night Watchers for SubPress, if I can ever get the thing written. So, yes, a good work day. Three in a row.


Here is something I wrote on Facebook today, then took down. I can say Certain Sorts of Things here, and hardly anyone notices. I say them on FB or Twitter, folks lose their shit - at me, and I do not need that. But, for posterity, assuming there will be any, I wrote: "One of the most dangerous things that any of us can do right now is to assume that the America of 2024 will bear much resemblance to the America of 2021, or that it will do more than, at best, pay lip service to democracy. Another dangerous thing is to believe that any of the resistance groups we've seen will amount to more than an easily quashed nuisance to the coming fascist regime. Yeah, I know I sound crazy. I just don't much care."

Sorta connected to that, I have no idea for whom I am writing this book. Besides me, I mean.

Oh, and something else I said two days ago, then took down before anyone yelled at me: Pulling down statues does not necessarily signal any sort of change for the better. In the end, it might only mean someone pulled down some statues. Empty gestures to make the mob feel better about themselves. Want proof? Look at Russia.


As earlier posted, because it is December, here's my Amazon wishlist. All distractions welcome, and I am always just as happy with used copies of books. And here's Spooky's wishlist, though she's also very happy with giftcards from Bandcamp (those should be send to dreamingsquid@gmail.com at Bandcamp). Thank you.

Oh! And our current eBay auctions.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

2:21 p.m. (Lydia, oh Lydia)

2024, subterranean press, working, cats, shakespeare, doom, politics, democracy, fascism, hamlet, lydia, statues, fwads, books, sick, 2021, the night watchers, russia, "metamorphosis d", signature sheets, empty gestures, xmas, december, jonathan strahan, futility

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