"There is no ocean, John."

Sep 24, 2021 17:56

Sunny and coolish today. Our high was 77˚F, and it is currently 76˚F.

I think I slept maybe four hours last night.

I spent the morning trying to make some headway on one of the two mosasaur papers...and, you know, this is not the evening I am equally to talking about difficult things or the difficulties with them I am having. Yes, this includes fiction, too.

Today's comfort film was Alex Proyas' Dark City (1997; director's cut).

So, aside from eBay, here's this other thing I'm doing. Subterranean Press has very generously given me ten copies of The Variegated Alphabet to offer for sale. Not auction, sale. This book, you will remember, was sold out before publication, including all copies of the $600 lettered edition. Yeah, that kind of amazes me, but it's true. Anyway, these ten are PC* copies of the signed and numbered edition, illustrated by John Kenn Mortensen. I am selling these ten copies for $200/ea. This will mostly go to pay this year's income taxes. If you are interested, please write to Kathryn at dreamingsquid@gmail.com and tell her. Don't tell me; I'll just forget. Email Kathryn and she'll take care of you.


If you've not been following the current eBay auctions, please have a look. Kathryn has put up another set of the Vile Affections/Cambrian Tales ARCs, and THIS IS THE LAST SET WE CAN AUCTION. So, if you want these ARCs, this is it. Anyway, thanks.

And get your damn COVID-19 vaccination.

Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast

10:31 a.m.

* PC = presentation copies. Pretty much the same as "contributor's copy." That is, the ones they send the person who actually wrote the book, me.

subterranean press, foreign editions, money, alex proyas, dark city, vile affections, john ken mortensen, cambrian tales, taxes, frustration, insomnia, czechoslavakia, agents of dreamland, cthulhu, france, japan, the variegated alphabet, spain, mosasaurs, lovecraft, black helicopters, 1997

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