Sunny and warmish today. An autumnal wide carnivorous sky held at bay by the twin bulwarks of Red and Shades mountains. Our high was 71˚F.
I wrote about 1,000 words today. I still have no idea if they are actually leading me anywhere.
Spooky made tuna casserole and green peas for dinner.
What has that chunk of missing time, that gap in the blog, been like? Here's a hint: I haven't not left the house for more than one brief expedition of about 30 seconds since September 11.
Along with the ongoing preparation of Winifred the tylosaur, one of the several paleontology projects I'm currently working on involves picking astounding tiny fish and shark teeth and bones our of a processed matrix concentrate from the "Point A Dam" locality in Covington County, Alabama, northwest of Andalusia. Some of the teeth are only 0.5-2 mm across at the base, so everything has to be done under a binocular microscope. I have been spending about three hours a day on this project. The teeth are derived from a bone bed at the base of the Lisbon Formation, a Middle Eocene age lag deposit that likely originated within an estuary. The site was initially described by Dr. Angela Ann Clayton in her 2011 doctoral dissertation (Wright State University).
I have been reading, too. I made it half way through Bradbury's Dandelion Wine, a book I adore utterly, then got too sad and set it aside and read William Gibson's The Peripheral and Agency, and I am now halfway through Angela Carter's Wise Children.
And nights are mostly SL roleplay.
Later Taters,
Aunt Beast
10:14 p.m.