"If only I'd hidden my lust and starved a little bit more."

Jul 07, 2020 23:34

A good bit of hard rain today. We still made it to 94˚F with the heat index, but the rain's cooled the night a bit. It's 76˚F.

I slept for shit last night. Felt sick half the day. Felt fucking wretched.

So, here's a long-overdue promise to my Sirenia Digest subscribers. I have let Covid-19 and all the rest of it put my ability to work into a tailspin, but I resolve that before August 1 I will get two issues of the Digest written and out to you, and then I'll only be one issue behind. I will do this thing or hurt myself trying. Or I will do this thing and hurt myself trying. But I will do this tying. Two new issues, May and June, two new pieces of fiction. Promise.

Saw a very good new National Geographic documentary on the 1980 Mt. Saint Helens eruption today. I cannot believe it's been forty years.

I've got some good stuff going on in Second Life, finally, after a year of intermittently trying to make it work again for RP. So, my grateful thanks to Melissa and Chris and Kat. What noisy cats are we.

I think that's all for now. Oh, except I actually said this tonight: "Sort of like if Donald Trump had good taste."

Later Taters,
Aunt Beast the Sleepless

11:09 p.m.

second life, bad days, sirenia late, national geographic, the horror clown, 1980, not working, insomnia, not writing, covid-19, volcanoes

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