Another day with both rain and sunshine and much more humid, cooler weather. Currently, it's 73˚F.
Today I began the second Dancy Flammarion story, "The Lady in the House of Crowning Glory," which may also get the parenthetical subtitle "(2018)." It's a far more ambitious story that "Dreams of a Poor Wayfaring Stranger." And because of that, even though I wrote 1,425 words on the story today, I'm pretty sure that I had a mediocre writing day or worse. I won't know until at least tomorrow when I look at the pages again. And I don't have time or inclination to start over. Once upon a time, I was pretty good about those false starts and about starting over. Those days are past, and I don't think we will ever see them again.
This afternoon, I watched documentaries on the space shuttles and pike fishing. Tonight, we watched Scott Cooper's superb Hostiles (2018).
12:35 a.m.