"And I would send a message to find out if she’s talked..."

May 15, 2019 22:14

The cough was almost gone, and then it came roaring back last night. I'm woozy and sore, and I can hardly talk, and tomorrow I have to be at the UA Museum in Tuscaloosa.

We spent the day out, mostly. It was sunny, mostly. I went to Alabama Outdoors in Homewood looking for a new field hat. I went to Reed Books downtown to find a copy of Absalom! Absalom!. I found a copy of the Disney recording of Peter and the Wolf, which was my favorite record in the world about 1967 or so. Used to scare the shit out of me. I'd have bought that copy today, but it was very scratched up.

Today, Selwyn turned seven.

“A story should be a finished work before it is shown. And after that, I will not allow anyone to change anything, and I will not change anything on anyone’s advice. ‘Here is my story. It’s a finished story. Take it or leave it!’ ” ~ Katherine Anne Porter (A quote I try to live by.)


2:12 p.m.

selwyn, books, homewood, walt disney, william faulkner, the cough, exhaustion, writing, hats, childhood, 1967, katharine anne porter, tuscaloosa

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