Apr 23, 2018 11:43

I count yesterday as the first day of Spring 2018, at least as far as Providence, Rhode Island is concerned. We made it into the low sixties and there was only a little chill in the air. The trees are finally getting green. I don't think I've ever seen spring come so late. I was able to leave my office window until after dinner, until twilight. Today will be more of the same. Currently, it's sunny and 59˚F, with no windchill.

Nothing much to say about work yesterday that hasn't been said already in yesterday's entry. Though I did also talk with Jacob Weisman at Tachyon and finalize the table of contents and story order for forthcoming The Very Best of Caitlín R. Kiernan. I'll share the ToC when I am told I may. Twenty stories. The book will be out in 2019. And I spoke with PS Publishing about their upcoming edition of To Charles Fort, With Love.

I went out for a short drive with Spooky, about 3:30 p.m.

Today, I hope to finish "Day After Tomorrow, the Flood." And I have the page proofs for The Dinosaur Tourist to proof, and I need to get to that soon.

Aunt Beast

3:54 p.m.

"day after tomorrow the flood", tcfwl, tachyon, providence, good days, warmer weather, proofreading, ps publishing, things on walls, spring, the dinosaur tourist

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